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The Letters - The Vowels Rules

I. A Hebrew vowel must always be attached to a consonant.
Ba =ba
II. A word written in English transliteration usually should have the same number of letters and vowels as the equivalent Hebrew word.
Hagafen =     Listen to the sound

There are two exceptions to Rule II, they are:

  1. When a word contains the silent aleph or ayin. There will be less letters in the English transliteration.
  2. When a word contains the silent vowelsilent
    There will be less vowels in the English transliteration.
( 3 letters and 2 vowels ) as in Baruch =     Listen to the sound
( 3 letters and 2 vowels ) as in Melech =     Listen to the sound
III. There are two silent consonants in Hebrew:alephandayin.
As in: A-t-a-h =     Listen to the sound
( The aleph gets the sound of the vowel attached.)
H-a-o-l-a-m =     Listen to the sound
( The ayin gets the sound of the vowel attached.)
E-l-e-h-ei-n-u =     Listen to the sound
( The aleph gets the sound of the vowel attached.)
IV. The silent is silent at the end and in the middle of a word.